Welcome to Mechanical Recruitment Solutions (MRS), the leading recruitment agency connecting talented, skilled tradespeople with top construction firms across the UK, Ireland & Europe.
Click here for the opportunity to post a job to our site via our company portal.
click here if you are a tradesperson searching for your next employment opportunity.
Discover more about what MRS has to offer and how we're becoming the Northwest's fastest growing Recruitment Firm.
MRS has the expertise and network to deliver the perfect match.
Register with MRS to connect with our team and gain access to exclusive resources. Contact Us to discuss your recruitment needs or career goals
MRS specialise in expanding the local talent pool by identifying and placing the most suitable candidates to the best job.
We have an in-depth understanding of the Northwest construction market and its unique needs.
We've built strong relationships with leading contractors across the region.
We take the time to understand your specific requirements and provide tailored solutions.
We're dedicated to finding the right people for the right jobs, ensuring project success and career satisfaction.
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